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Universidad Europea de Madrid
The European University of Madrid is a young, dynamic institution that is fully prepared to face the challenges of a global world. It is a private Spanish University that was founded on 17th July 1995, although since 1989 it had been developing its teaching status as a centre attached to the Complutense University of Madrid under the name Centro Europeo de Estudios Superiores (CEES) European Centre of Superior Studies.
It offers integral university training, directed toward the adaptation of the student with regards to his or her work environment and personal development. Its mission is to make the European University of Madrid a model for quality university teaching in Spain, at the forefront of intellectual and technical development, creating leaders and efficient professionals capable of responding to the needs of a new global society. Students and teachers alike will share their learning and develop and advance their skills through personal and professional skill development programs, so that the education offered takes into account all aspects of the individual.
The University offers a wide range of socially responsible activities through the Environment Office and the Volunteering and Cooperation Office, with the aim of raising awareness among the student community and trying to respond efficiently to the needs raised by the current society. As a member of the Laureate International Universities, it welcomes students from more than 20 nationalities. 45% of students from the European University of Madrid are from outside the Madrid community.
On top of this, it is the Spanish University with the highest percentage of foreign students due to the numerous agreements that it has with other Universities. The possibility for placements and professional internships abroad, gaining double awards in numerous universities all over the world, enjoying an Erasmus grant or carrying out complete or partial studies in English, constitute the clear advantages that distinguish this institution.
Type of Courses: Degree (Diplomatura), Degree, Own University Titles, Official Master
Language: Spanish, English
Address: Tajo s/n . Urb. El Bosque 28670, Villaviciosa de Odón (Madrid)
Phone: +34 902232350
URL: www.uem.es
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