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Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
It is defined as an institution of higher education, but also secular and independent, internationally renowned and, at the same time, very committed to its economic situation and social environment. It is a private University Institution, born from a free initiative, with full official recognition by the Law of the General Courts (Spanish Parliament) 23/95 on the 17th July (Official State Bulletin 18th July 1995).
Its mission is to maintain a high level of precision in academic teaching and scientific investigation in all its areas of specialization, in order to contribute to both the training and professional and social development of its students, as well as social progress.
The international project at the Nebrija Antonio University is another characteristic which stands out for being the Spanish university with the highest number of foreign students, and also because many students spend part of their studies abroad.
The University offers a wide range of international programs, some with double awards, and others which offer Spanish students the pportunity to carry out one or two semesters, or one of two courses, in other prestigious universities in Europe, the United States or Canada. It offers a wide range in areas of specialization, with complete official validity for studies conducive to graduate qualifications, technical engineering, graduates in engineering, as well as masters and doctorates.
It is a University that prepares for a modern, innovative and international era, where the student is the protagonist in their learning and where daily cohabitation in the Campus is part of personal training and development.
Type of Courses: Degree, Master, Doctorate, Course, On-Line Qualifications, Own University Titles
Language: Spanish, English
Address: Campus de la Berzosa 28240, Hoyo de Manzanares (Madrid)
Phone: +34 914 521 101
URL: www.nebrija.com
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