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Universidad de Salamanca
In 1218 King Alfonso IX of Leon founded the University of Salamanca, which is considered the oldest of the current Hispanic Universities. It is a medium sized University with a great capacity for attraction, since it is second in the country in terms of the number of students that study there from outside the area.
It includes 9 teaching and administrative campuses in Avila, Zamora, Béjar and Salamanca. Due to this, it is known for its high geographic dispersion. In the city of Salamanca the centers are grouped into 6 campuses: Campus Histórico, Campus de Ciencias, Campus de Canalejas, Campus Miguel de Unamuno (Campus Biosanitario and Campus FES-Derecho), Campus Ciudad Jardín and Campus Villamayor.
It is a general University which offers 81 official qualifications for the 1st and 2nd cycle belonging to the five fields of study. As in most Spanish Universities, the majority of students are enrolled in the field of Social and Legal Sciences. However, it could be said that the greatest specialization is in Humanities and Experimental Sciences, which has a percentage of students which is well above the average for Spanish Public Universities.
It is the 9th University in Europe in terms of the amount of Erasmus students received, and the fifth destination among the Spanish Universities, behind the Polytechnic Universities in Valencia, Granada, Seville and Valencia. In terms of the importance of the Erasmus students in relation to the size of the University, they represent the highest percentage among medium to large public Universities. Every year they welcome thousands of foreign students that come to Spain with different educational exchange programs. Moreover, the university controls the awarding and academic development of the DELE qualifications (the fixed model for the control of Spanish knowledge of foreign students) and relies on one of the largest training centers for foreigners with worldwide prestige, Cursos Internacionales (International Courses).
Type of Courses: Degree (Diplomatura), Degree, Master, Doctorate, Own University Titles, Specialization Courses
Language: Spanish, English
Address: Patio de Escuelas, 1. Planta Baja 37008, Salamanca
Phone: +34 923 294 400
URL: www.usal.es
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