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INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School
INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School is a private entity with more than 25 years of experience in training professionals who, following their studies, are successfully incorporated into the business world.
Located in the north of Barcelona it occupies 1800 square meters (of 3000) of a historic building which was built in the 19th century.
At the INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School it is possible to take masters courses. Some of these are run in collaboration with the university of Bareclona.
They aim to offer the pupil a complete training, as much professionally as personally, in a unified and free society.
The institution has established lasting relationships within the industry. Many Centres of Superior Study and Universities contribute programs, teaching staff and investigation results which help to improve the personal and professional training the pupils receive.
Their complete willingness to receive students from any country and encourage exchanges during the course of study means that there are people from around 40 different nationalities studying at the school.
The teaching staff at INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School are a team of first rate professionals, who are chosen as a result of their academic background, their professional experience and their aptitude for training.
Type of Courses: Degree, Master, Official Master, Own University Titles
Language: Spanish, English
Address: Passeig Santa Eulália, 4 08017, Barcelona
Phone: +34 93 280 66 96
URL: www.insaweb.net
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